Meet the Team:

Mr.Pencil is one of the most generous contributors that the gallery has ever seen. He has helped countless artists to sketch their ideas and create a plan for thier works. We would not be able to function without the help he has provided.

The Paintbrush family has been volunteering for three generations. They have taught over 50 art classes in their time at the gallery. Artists from all around the world are familar with thier work. They are also avid fans of Van Gouh and Monet.

The paper people have been some of the most patient and willing contributors to the gallery in recent years. They are the favorites of young children that take our drawing and painting classes. They are good at absorbing all of the ideas of their students and turning them into stunning artwork.

Mrs. Palette has been handy to the many painters that have asked for her help. She is very good at mixing paint and keeping painters from getting disorganized. Anyone that goes through a painting class becomes her best pal.

Color Wheel is the most widely known member of the royal Wheel family, and we are extremely grateful that he decides to make apperances at the gallery every once and a while. He uses his vast knowledge to suggest certain color themes to beggining and advanced artists alike. Listening to him talk about primary and secondary colors with such expertise will make your head spin.